R44 Elopement – Coloring Air Like Silk

Words can sometimes flatten the deepest emotions or pin them like wild butterflies stunned out of magnificent flight, flimsy souvenirs of what moved and colored air like silk“.

When we try to write about (or speak about) Alisa and Wessel’s elopement the quote about words and butterflies and flimsy souvenirs comes to mind.

A quote collector, Elope Cape Town’s marriage officer (celebrant) can’t recall the author of these beautiful words or even what book it came from (something to do with letters). All she knows is that Alisa and Wessel’s elopement conjured the feeling the quote describes: How some moments defy description – dance away from it with joy to rich to hold down with mere sentences.

It feels near impossible to do justice to the exquisite day that was Alisa and Wessel’s elopement – the love and connection between them; and between them and their families. It’s difficult to describe how meaningful and personal their ceremony was and, to be honest, even if we could manage it – it wouldn’t sit right with us because their ceremony was theirs and theirs alone (to be shared with those few they chose to celebrate the beginning of their marriage with).

Even the location we guard with fierce loyalty, only pining it down to somewhere along the R44 route (a route that rivals, in its spectacular views, Chapmans Peak).

If we’re safeguarding so much of their elopement then why are we writing about it? Well, we wanted to share some of the photographs. Taken by our Elope Cape Town team: Lara Jess Photography and @KyleQuintaoWeddingPhotography 

Let the photographs speak for themselves; to the joy and the intimacy of their elopement.

Without further ado – here they are:


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